Conscious Leadership by Michael Bianco-Splann

I began reading Michael Bianco-Splann’s book Conscious Leadership: 7 Principles that Will Change Your Business and Change Your Life unfamiliar with the concept of “conscious leadership” but capable of surmising his meaning. I wasn’t far off the mark. Going into the book with a serviceable grasp of its subject, however, did not prepare me for the scale of Bianco-Splann’s accomplishment. Conscious Leadership isn’t a lengthy work by any stretch of the imagination but, within its relatively brief confines, Bianco-Splann manages to approximate a fuller gamut of human potential than many similarly themed efforts even scratch the surface of. He writes with tremendous eloquence and heartfelt commitment about how it is possible for all of us to discover the leadership qualities lurking within but goes even a step further – the principles he sets forth for readers are never limited to their professional lives alone, but possess clear application in their personal lives as well.


The seven principles mentioned in the book’s title are easy to comprehend and Bianco-Splann investigates the meaning of each without belaboring his point or rendering them bloodless and void of meaning. There is no prescribed order for implementing them in your life; one of the strengths of this book is that a reader can open it anywhere, dive in, and mine its pages with productive results. It isn’t exactly an enigma he unravels for readers. The concepts powering this book make infinite sense once you are brought face to face with his ideas but, as the old saying goes, easier said than done. It often takes an outsider’s perspective, as well, for us to see a clear path forward and Bianco-Splann provides that with his book Conscious Leadership: 7 Principles that Will Change Your Business and Change Your Life.

The companion piece for Conscious Leadership entitled Dying to Live: A Tapestry of Reinvention travels the same conceptual territory with seven chapters built on the seven principles contained in the earlier book. It has, however, a distinctly different tone. Conscious Leadership wears its heart on its sleeve for significant stretches, but also relies on a great deal of objective rhetoric making its mark on readers. Dying to Live comes at you from a much more personal angle. Bianco-Splann relates his personal story of arriving at a place in his life where a book like Conscious Leadership became possible – adoption at birth, growing up in a dysfunctional and alcohol fueled household, his descent into addiction, and his eventual redemption and reinvention.


Much of the book is wrenching, but Bianco-Splann does a superb job mixing the black lows he experienced with redemptive moments. You can tackle these books in any order – it isn’t necessary to read one before the other though, I believe, readers will perhaps benefit more from reading Conscious Leadership first before delving into this book. Dying to Live: A Tapestry of Reinvention isn’t strict autobiography or memoir, but it does pull back the curtain on the experiences that shaped Conscious Leadership and reinforces its lessons without

Nicole Killian

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Nicole loves to go cross country skiing, swimming, reading and critiquing books, listening and critiquing music, some culinary arts, pottery, spending time with my daughter, cheesy horror films.

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