How Do I Join the Mob?
To join the team at you must demonstrate superior language skills, have a decent number of social media followers on your blog or facebook group; and a good attitude towards movies like the God Father and shows like the Soprano’s.
Simply send us a link to your blog, and if we’re sufficiently impressed with your ORIGINAL work; one of our enforcers will contact you in a clandestine way… possibly involving a black Lincoln town car with heavily tinted windows, perhaps not. You’ll just have to contact us, then wait and see. If you see someone wearing this hat in public, do not approach them. Especially near a blacked-out Lincoln. They are armed (with a smart phone) and very dangerous to the competition.

Wanna Wear The Red Hat of a Mobster? Join Us.
It’s a little known fact, but just wearing a preposterously red hat does not mean one wants to be noticed.
{Don’t worry, we no longer use concrete slippers for those who don’t read this little tip. However if you are an ambitious link spammer… You’re not welcome here… we’ve already got a box full chopped up in the freezer.}
We are looking for humorous and original bloggers as mob recruits in all major Canadian cities, and yes, towns, villages, crossroads, rural areas and shire hobbits can apply too. As long as you contain some manner of topic expertise… and can write and photograph what you see and experience at venues, events, hang-outs, shows, comedy clubs, festivals, and parties.
Writers who are peddling social causes, politic causes and financial editorial.. only apply if you’re witty, and not too dry. Fanatical is totally OK though.
Still interested?
Click the huge link below and send us your shit!