Strange Company Release “Lois Lane”

Strange Company is a band marked for greater things. The near-effortless catchiness and relatability of their single “Lois Lane” positions them for mainstream stardom.

The Nashville-by-way-of-Memphis unit has produced an indelible pop-rock confection recalling similar efforts by high-profile bands such as Candlebox, Breaking Benjamin, and other rock outfits while overflowing with their individuality. You’ll even hear influences such as Counting Crows coming across in their mastery of balancing intelligent songwriting with irresistible instrumentation. “Lois Lane” is likely one of the standout tracks on their debut release, Eyes Wide Open, but it stands on its own as an undeniable piece of pop songcraft that grows on you with each new listen. 


Much of its effect on listeners can be ascribed to the construction. “Lois Lane” has the pleasing inevitability you hear in the best songs. You know what’s coming, it travels familiar territory, but the band pulls it off with such self-assured skill that you don’t mind the predictability. It opens driven by Aaron “Crash” Robinette’s guitar before settling into the central guitar figure fueling the track. The rhythm section lays down a powerful groove that digs deeper during the verses. 

Lead singer Chris Burris has an undeniably transformative effect on the performance.

His vocals are reminiscent of Adam Duritz’s singing for the Counting Crows. There isn’t any pronounced similarity between Strange Company and the Crows’ music, but Burris may prompt some listeners to make that comparison. Burris has arguably greater gravitas. It imbues the lyrics for “Lois Lane” with a veneer of importance that lesser singers wouldn’t bring to the table. There’s a smattering of backing vocals present in the song. Burris does not need the support, but the inclusion of added voices reinforces the vocal strengths. 

Robinette’s guitar playing is a definite highlight of the performance. His contributions peak with the guitar solo during the second part. It brings a climactic feel to the recording making the final quarter of “Lois Lane” all the more memorable. His fire and skill are essential to his success. He never burdens the cut with histrionic dross like some guitar players might but his gifts for serving the song with his playing further raise the stakes for an already excellent outing. 

The chorus is another highlight.

The transition from the verses into the refrain is flawless, and the writing ties together the image-laden verses into its chorus payoff without a single extraneous word weighing it down. “Lois Lane” will satisfy casual and hardcore music fans alike. This is an excellent standalone track that will likely fit just as well within the framework of a longer release. Strange Company’s debut, Eyes Wide Open. promises to be fulfilling in a way few debuts are. It isn’t going to be their finest achievement. Many bands hang their hats on that first release, but there are even greater moments to come for this outfit. However, Strange Company is in this for the long haul, and this single and album is the first salvo in an electrifying run. 

Nicole Killian

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Nicole loves to go cross country skiing, swimming, reading and critiquing books, listening and critiquing music, some culinary arts, pottery, spending time with my daughter, cheesy horror films.

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