The Blendification System by Daniel M. Bruder

Daniel M. Bruder  is the CEO of Fusion Dynamics Group, a Colorado based strategy and leadership firm. He is also a faculty member of Colorado State University’s Executive MBA program and the University of Colorado, Boulder’s Graduate Leeds School of Business. He holds a BS in business finance and an MBA, each earned at the University of Central Florida. His system has its own website which you can find at www.

Bruder opens his book stressing his thesis of Blendification as a strategic method of improving the potential of any organization.

Bruder goes on to explain that the Blendification System is a system that is generated to connect culture, strategy, and execution in organizations in order that they are functioning to their full capacity. He likens the system to creating a company’s own DNA through the people that work there, thus creating its own culture. He explains that in order to utilize this potential a purposeful strategy needs to be implemented. He details what strategies are and how they have been used throughout history and in today’s world.


Blendification System is implemented by the hiring of a team who demonstrate the three different categories of intelligence. His discourse into the necessary intelligence categories that are needed in the Blendification System is comprehensive.  Cognitive intelligence, Emotional Intelligence, and System intelligence are the groupings that he covers. His explanations are clear and concise. He includes a chart and explains the problem-solving strategy of Blendificatoin that will organize a team into one-mindedness through discussion and by analyzing what didn’t work and how it can be improved so that the outcome is successful. Bruder’s book is well thought out and clarified in laymen’s terms, but the book is far from being simple.

Bruder uses the panic that happened during Covid-19 as a subject of discussion— deliberating on how the early effects of the pandemic brought many companies to a standstill, if not causing an extreme amount of chaos which weakened their ability to function in their full potential. He proves that a Blendification system can alternately leave organizations more flexible should a crisis—or other outside influences that do not ordinarily occur—transpire.

Bruder discusses the impacts that can come with managing a company be they environmental, technological, or political and how Blendification can utilized these impacts, and work with them. He discusses how competitors can be inspiration to realizing a company’s potential.

There is a 10-point guideline in the book that points out how the Blendification System should be implemented.


I found Bruder’s Blendification System filled with information that could be studied in depth by those seeking to improve the potential of their companies. He has researched extensively, provided case studies, and explained some of the methods he has used while working with his clients.  This is not a simple handbook but more an encyclopedia of information.

The book itself is professionally written and you can see Bruder has lifetime experience in this field. His thesis is dedicated and convincing.

Written by Dianne Gardner, posted by Nicole Killian

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Nicole loves to go cross country skiing, swimming, reading and critiquing books, listening and critiquing music, some culinary arts, pottery, spending time with my daughter, cheesy horror films.

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