Helping America Now Founder Raji Rykert Featured On The Build Business Acumen Podcast With Nathaniel Schooler
In 2018, Helping America Now (H.A.N.), a 501 (c)(3) non-profit status organization, was established to provide housing and scholarships for U.S. Veterans and mentally disabled adults. While working with the local Military Resource Council and taking in homeless veterans, H.A.N. discovered that although well intentioned, most agencies and individuals were receiving donations and grants, but the necessary funds were not always getting to those truly in need. The layers of “red tape” also hindered vulnerable people from getting the much-needed resources of food, housing and transportation. Helping America was created to meet this very real need. Founder, Raji Rykert established H.A.N. with the goal to:
- Provide emergency or transitional resources to homeless U.S. veterans
- Provide housing at 3Faces Ranch, a licensed adult residential facility
- Offer monetary assistance in the form of scholarship for education or vocational training or a specific, pressing need.

Using her own personal funds and enlisting the financial support of close family, friends and former colleagues, Raji works with agencies and their case managers to identify where assistance can be offered. To date, over a dozen individuals have received the necessary assistance to rebuild their lives and begin a new life chapter.
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Build Business Acumen also discusses how to have a better work/life balance in business and anything in between. They utilize classical knowledge passed down through generations from decades of experience in business and life.
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Build Business Acumen provides timeless, classical resources with a futuristic feet on the ground attitude.It is “Practical Knowledge!” that meets people at their level: avoiding techno speak & meaningless jargon at ALL costs.
Headed by Nathaniel C. Schooler, engaging interviewer, writer and trusted business adviser, IBM Futurist and LinkedIn award winner.
Nathaniel delivers fresh ideas, strategy and advice on next generation technology and we as seasoned business leaders can provide on demand multi -faceted boards of advisers when needed.
Many guests are responsible for building and sustaining many of the largest brands in the world and our international team have decades of experience in Europe, Asia, Australia, UK, USA, Canada, Japan and SA. We are currently looking to formulate more relationships with Latin American business leaders and people who have interesting inspiring stories to tell.
Listen/Read Homeless Veterans and Mentally Disabled Adults are Suffering with Raji Rykert on the Build Business Acumen with Nathaniel C. Schooler here:
Follow Helping America Now on Twitter @HelpingAmerica1
The official website for Helping American Now may be found at